Strategically-based policy objectives executed against proven and winning tactics
There is a nexus between the independent day-to-day operations of your healthcare association, business, industry, or practice, and the independent decisions that are made daily by political leaders and policymakers in and around the California Capitol. It is within this nexus where your healthcare association, business, industry or practice, can either flourish or perish. It is also within this nexus where TDG Strategies succeeds.
Political Action
Strategic political advice, analysis, and Political Action Committee (PAC) development, budgeting, and management to maintain a healthy political relationship with elected officials, who support your advocacy priorities or need ongoing education on your policy objectives.
Legislative, Regulatory & Administrative Lobbying
Unique and specialized tactics for directly engaging and influencing the California Legislature, Governor, regulatory agencies and departments on sponsored position legislation and/or regulations.
Grassroots Advocacy
Development of a “key contact” grassroots network program at the local level, which can be activated at any given moment to articulate concerns or effectuate support of ongoing policy issues or activities “Under the Dome.”
Litigation Support
Research and analysis of statutory, regulatory, and sub-regulatory guidance and strategic support for complex lawsuits and other legal matters.